December 23, 2024
When someone tells you to “just stop eating junk,” it’s as unhelpful as telling a sad person to “just cheer up.”
If it were that simple, we’d all be doing it already. The biggest reason people struggle with their weight isn’t about food at all – it’s because we eat when we’re emotionally hungry instead of physically hungry.
Physical vs. Emotional Hunger
Physical hunger has clear signs:
- It builds up slowly over time
- You feel it in your stomach
- You’re open to eating any kind of food
- You feel satisfied when you’re full
Emotional hunger looks very different:
- It hits you out of nowhere
- You crave very specific foods
- You never feel satisfied, no matter how much you eat
- You end up feeling guilty afterward
The Broccoli Test
It’s really simple: when you want to eat something, ask yourself if you’d eat broccoli right now.
If yes, you’re physically hungry – go ahead and eat.
If no, you’re dealing with emotional hunger.
Emotional Eating
Emotional eating isn’t about the food.
It’s usually about:
- Trying to reduce stress
- Looking for a distraction
- Seeking comfort
- Wanting pleasure
Three Questions
When you realize you’re emotionally hungry, ask yourself:
- What’s really bothering me?
- What can I do about it?
- Why am I avoiding dealing with it?
That last question is crucial. Emotional eating is just avoiding the real problem. But when you face what’s actually bothering you and choose to be powerful in that moment, the food cravings start to fade.
The Broccoli Test works because it makes you more aware of what’s really going on.
When you face the real issue, you take back control, and the cravings lose their power.
At MyBodyTutor, we help people stay consistent with these practices every day so they can see real results.
- Follow My Body Tutor for daily tips and insights
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- Start using the Broccoli Test today to transform your relationship with food
If you’re struggling to stick with healthy habits, you’re definitely not alone.